Monday, October 19, 2009

End of the semester NO!!!

The News media and the Internet society

The end of the course's semester,no!! is just the beginning of the news media and the Internet society. To me after all how am i going to stay away from what i have been introduced to by the course. There are so many things i have leaned through the semester that i was total unconscious of; from the critical cognition of the press to the indigenous people of "Umzansi"(South Africa) to mention a few. the course gave me a privilege to expose my self to the realities of South Africa my country, i can believe i was so certain that i knew Mzansi but to my surprise most the things i thouht i knew were what the media wanted me to know about, the the truth at most times.

There were some research or rather tusk allocated to us (students) to go and find out about what is happening around Mzansi almost every week to submit to our news portal or right about the experiences of going through all of it on our blogs (this blog), as part of marks to pass. Personal This was one experience i will never forget. The themes or subjects we discussed during the period were what i used to call "obvious terms" but there was more into them in terms of meaning. One of the subtopics i did within my group were; transport (ways to get around the city), expectations of the world cup 2010 (South Africa) and the diverse and cultural activities of Mzansi ( FOOD).[here are the links(URL):, and to them.

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